

Incógnita Incógnita es el nombre que hemos dado a la efigie que preside y que vigila el portal de Arqueología Ecuatoriana, desde todas las ventanas. Su origen es anecdótico, como casi todo en la practica arqueológica ecuatoriana. Se trata de una pieza única, sin contexto conocido, que cayo en nuestras manos de manera paradójica.

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Silla Manteña

Museos Artículos sobre museos Generalidades British Museum Online catalog
British Museum Online catalog PDF Imprimir E-mail
Escrito por Patricia Knobloch   
Lunes, 03 de Octubre de 2011 05:52

The British Museum has been building its online digitized database for some years now. Though many entries are still awaiting images, a substantial number of Andean objects are available for study. The advanced search engine is quite complex. I recommend using the basic search page to begin:

The results can be sorted by images only.  Once an image is selected the viewing page has a very useful feature of linking to "all objects" with terms on that page. Each image has a link to a larger image and some of detailed images. Another nice feature is the availability to order "free" images for print publications. There is also a link to send them corrections: "Noticed a mistake?" The conservation notes can be quite explicit. And, they do ask for donations to help pay for conservation labor and materials.


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